1942 C.A. Lund Vintage Military Snowshoes
c. 1942 – 20th century
Wood, Babiche, Copper (nails)
60"l x 10"w x 10"h
© Vintage Winter
A great pair of C.A. Lund Company 10th Mountain Division Trail Snowshoes. These are marked and made by the C.A. Lund Company of Hastings MINN U.S.A., one of four companies that were producing snowshoes for the war. They are also stamped with dates of c. 1942 and the military serial number 1062. This is a rare set of matching serial number military snowshoes. During the war and training many snowshoes were simply tossed into a pile for the supply sergeant to put away. Usually this meant that pairs were not matched back with their original numbers. These snowshoes are in excellent condition. Included is a digital copy of the original snowshoe instructions printed on professional photo paper measuring ~6.5" x 8".
Native American woman weaving snowshoes